The University of Petroleum, China

The University of Petroleum is one of the key universities in China,
which is sponsored and supervised by China National Petroleum Corporation.
In October 1953, Beijing Petroleum Institute was founded on the basis of the
Petroleum Engineering Department of Tsing Hua University. In February 1988,
it was renamed to University of Petroleum with its main administration office
in Beijing. It consists of four parts:
1.  University of Petroleum, Beijing, in Changping County, Beijing 
2.  University of Petroleum, Hua Dong, in Dongying, Shangdong
3.  Petroleum Managers Training Institute in Xisanqi, Beijing
4.  University of Petroleum, Guangzhou, in Guangzhou


      University of Petroleum, Beijing, is located in Changping of Beijing. It
integrets science, technology, engineering, management, arts and literature,
soft and hard science with emphasis on engineering. President of Petroleum
University is Prof. Zhang Si-wei.
	In the University, there are institute of graduate study, 6 department,
2 exchange station for postdoctors, 9 points for doctor degree, 18 points for
master degree, as well as one key scholar branch (Organic Chemical Engineering)
and one key laboratory of state rank which are run together with University
of Petroleum,Hua Dong. There are also 22 teaching offices, 3 research institutes,
20 research groups, 47 laboratories and 3 centers. The total number of faculty
is 810, among these 89 professors, 92 associate professors, two members of
Academia Sinica, 2 specialists with distinguished contribution of state
category and 17 specialists with distinguished contribution of ministerial
category. Since 1988, 97 research projects have achieved positive results, 
among which 8 projects obtained rewards of state category. Totally 13 state
patterns have been obtained and 1060 papers have been published until now.
	Recently the University of Petroleum has established close cooperative
relationship with some foreign universities. Since 1986,152 scholars have been
sent abroad and 141 foreign experts have been invited to the university.


2.1 Department of Geosciences

	In the department there are 1 specialist of petroleum geology for 
undergraduate program, 7 research groups, 1 post doctoral station, 3 points of
doctor degree (Petroleum Geology, Applied Geophysics and Sedimentology), 4
points for master degree (Geology and Exploration for Coal, Oil and Gas,
Sedimentology, Applied Geochemistry and Applied Geophysics), 1 key laboratory
of ministerial category, as well as 18 professors, 16 associate professors, 5
senior engineers and 1 young expert of distinguished contribution of state

2.2 Department of Petroleum Engineering

	In the department there are doctor, master and undergraduate programs 
for Drilling Engineering, Development Engineering, Reservation and Transportation
for oil and gas, 1 post doctoral  station, as well as 2 college programs for
Petroleum Engineering, Reservation and Transportation. There are 15 professors,
14 associate professors, 3 senior engineering's, 1 associate senior editor, 13
students searching for doctor degree, 6 students searching for master degree
and 70 undergraduate students in the department. 8 laboratories are already
built up and 11 laboratories are planed to be built up in the near future.

2.3 Department of Economics and management

	In 1979 the department began to accept undergraduate students for 
Management Engineering, Industrial Foreign Trade and Marketing and students of
two-year college program for Marketing. Since 1982 the department has begun to
accept graduate students, searching for master degree of Industry Management
Engineering. Recently there are 7 professors and associate professors, 2
teaching offices (Economy, Management), 1 research group (Petroleum Economy)
in the department.

2.4 Department of Basic Sciences

	This department was established in 1981. There are four teaching 
offices in the department, namely teaching offices of Mathematics, Physics,
Foreign Languages and Physical Education, 2 points of master degree for specialists
of History of Natural Sciences and Radiophysics. There are 7 professors and 15
associate professors in the department. 38 courses are available for undergraduate
students and graduate students.

2.5 Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

	This department is established on the basis of former Department of 
Mechanics. In the department there are 5 teaching offices and 4 research groups.
The number of professors is 16, as well as the number of associate professors
is 21. There is one member of Academy Sinica in the department. The scholar
branch of Petroleum Mechanical Engineering has the right to offer doctor and
master degree, as well as the scholar branch of Machinery for Chemical process,
Industry Automatization and Mechanics of Machinery Engineering have the right
to offer master degree.

2.6 Institute of Petroleum Chemical Engineering

	There are 20 professors and 20 associate professors in the institute. 
Among 20 professors there is one member of Academia Sinica, 6 supervisors for
graduate students, searching for doctor degree. In the Institute there are 2
points of doctor degree for Petroleum Refinery and Applied Chemistry which
accept postdoctors. Besides, in the Institute there are several points of
master degree for Petroleum Refinery, Applied Chemistry and Petroleum Geochemistry,
undergraduate students for Petroleum Refinery. Scholar Branches of organic
Chemical Engineering, is one of the key scholar Branches of the government,
which includes subordinate branches of Heavy Oil Refinery, Separation Engineering
and Phase Balance of Liquid. The laboratory of Heavy Oil Refinery is a key
laboratory of the government Scholar branch of applied Chemistry includes
Petroleum Chemistry, Chemistry of Solid Fuels and Chemistry of Hydrogen Energy


	The library has a floor space of 14,000 square meters. It includes 
reading-rooms of Chinese and Foreign Books and current periodicals, computer
management room with IBM AS/400, microfilm collection room, multimedia audioviden
room, duplicating and printing room, rare collection room , etc. The library
now has a collection of 100,000 volumes with computer-base management. Real-
time information inquiring can be carried out in the form of man-machine
interaction by communication with the host computer through public telephone
network or national public data group exchange network ( CHINA PAC). In February
1995, the connection to Internet has been set up through UUPC system of IHEP,
and therefore E-mail, Telnet, Ftp, Gopher and WWW Services are available now.