The State Information Center (SIC)

Brief Introduction to SIC

	The State Information Center (SIC), under the jurisdiction of
the State Planning Commission, is an institutional organ which provides
comprehensive and basic economic information and consultant services for
the government and the society and undertakes the function of coordinating
and administering the State Economic Information System (SEIS).

	Established in January 1987, SIC is made up of eight department-
level functional organizations. They are the Departments of Comprehensive
Management and Administration, Economic Forecasting, Information Development,
Database, Computation and Communication Network, and Price Information; the
Institute of Information Economics and Technology and the Secretary and
Logistics Office. There is a subordination of China Guoxin Information
Corporation (CGIC) and an affiliation of the China Information Industry
Association (CIIA).

Organization Scheme of SIC

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The main functions of departments of SIC:

   The Department of Comprehensive Management and Administration:
professional managing SIC and coordinating SEIS;
	The Department of Economic Forecasting: macro-economic monitoring
and forecasting;
	The Department of Information Development: providing information
services for the society;
	The Department of Database: developing and providing technical
support and consultant services in database, information systems and
application software;
	The Department of Computation and Communication Network: planning,
designing and developing the  technical  environment of computer and
communication network  of  SIC  and  planning, designing and coordinating
the computer network of SEIS;
	The Department of Price Information: collecting and sorting price
information on domestic and international markets and building, operating
and managing the price information system;
	The Institute of Information Economics and Technology: undertaking
research on application and development of information economics and technology
and organizing and managing R&D activities of SIC and SEIS;
	The Secretary and Logistics Office: being responsible for administrative
management and logistics of SIC.

        Currently, there are 453 staff members in SIC, 381 of whom are
technicians or professional management personnel from over 30 fields such
as economics and computer sciences, etc. , accounting for 84% of the total.
81 of them are of Ph. D. or Master degree, 208 Bachelor degree, i.e.,   289
persons have received high-level education, making up 88% of the total. 375
staff members have professional titles, 85 of whom are of senior,  amounting
to 18.8% of the total, while 237, intermediate, 52.3% and 53, junior, 11.7%

SIC's services mainly focus on three areas:

1.	monitoring, forecasting and policy-analyzing economic issues for the
governmental departments in macro-economic decision-making, adjustment and
control, undertaking research and consultant on key economic issues and hot
2.	providing comprehensive, basic economic information and consultant
services for all circles of life;
3.	providing technical services, such as information system development,
implementation and operation, for the government and the society.

	SEIS began to take shape in 1986 in the light of the State Council's
decision concerned. SIC is responsible for the coordination and management of
the program, construction and operation of SEIS and helping competent governmental
departments to develop and utilize economic information resources.

	SEIS, consisting of SIC and the information centers at provincial,
prefectural and county levels, has become a large information consultant and
service system integrating economic analysis, economic forecasting and monitoring,
information processing and computer and telecommunication technology. At present,
information centers have been set up in 30 provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities, 6 cities with separate plans, 8 provincial capital cities, 280
central cities and prefectural-level administrative organs and 1500 counties all
over the country.  SEIS has over 10,000 staff members and is equipped with more
than 4000 mainframe, minicomputers and PCs and a great deal of related equipment,
such as program-controlled exchanges, facsimile machines, etc.

	After years of endeavor, SIC and SEIS have laid down a solid foundation
in staff quality, advanced technologies and infrastructures and gained relatively
rich experience in providing the government and the society with comprehensive,
timely and accurate information and consultant services.

	SIC's main information products and services are including:

 * Economic Forecasting and Analysis Models:
        the National Economy Monthly Monitoring and Forecasting System;
	the National Economy Quarterly Forecasting Model;
	the National Economy Medium and Long Term Development Forecasting Model;
	the China Model in the World Economic Model (Link Model)
	the Business Cycle Analysis System
	the Macro-pricing Model
 	the China Regional Economic Models;
 * Large Databases:
	the Macro-economic Database;
	the China Foreign Investment Guiding Information Database;
	the China Tourism Information Database;
	the China Products Database;
	the Practical Enterprise Laws Encyclopedia Database;
	the State Laws and Regulations Database;
 	the Enterprise Products Database;
 	the Database of the Price of Means of Industrial Production;
	the Agricultural and By-products Market Price Database;
	the Important Daily Monitored Domestic Commodities Price Database;
	the Database of the Price of Means of Agricultural Production.

 * Information Service Networks:
	the SIC (China) United Information Networks
	the China Price On-line Information Networks
	the Ministry Information Centers On-line Information Service Network 
	the Real-time Financial Market Information Network

 * Main Information Publications:
	the "Economy and Information" (monthly)
	the "Economic Forecasting and Analysis"
	the "Special Research Report"
	the "China Economy Outlook" (annually)
	the "China Market Outlook" (annually)
	the "World Economy Outlook" (annually)
	the "Forecasting" (bimonthly)
	the "Multi-media World" (monthly)
	the "EDI World" 
	the "Year Book of Chinese Products Information" 
	the "Information System Engineering"
	the "Information Economics and Technology"

Director General: Gao Xinmin
    Address: 58 Sanlihe Road, Beijing, 100045, P. R. China
        Fax: 8533919
        Tel: 8527618