Institute of Modern Physics(IMP), Lanzhou,

Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)

Full View of SSC

Injector SFC

Main Lines of Research and Training Activities

    Low and intermediate energy heavy ion physics including the study of
heavy ion collision from low to intermediate energies and the study of nuclei
far from stability; Application of heavy ions in materials and biological 
Accelerator physics: Detection techniques; Application of nuclear techniques;
Postdoctoral station of nuclear physics; Confers doctorate in nuclear physics
and master's degree in nuclear physics, accelerator physics, nuclear electronics
and detection techniques.

Major Scientific Results or products

    Synthesis and study of the new heavy neutron-rich nuclids 208Hg,
185Hf and 237Th; Design and construction of the Heavy Ion Research Facility
in Lanzhou (HIRFL); Discovery of the reaction mechanism of incomplete 
deep inelastic collisions and the observation of mass transfer in heavy 
ion collision at low incident energy; Design and construction of 2X2 MeV 
Tandem accelerator; Theoretical study of the variation of the shape and 
pairing of nuclei with spin and configuration; Construction of decay 
schemes of neutron deficient nuclei 153Er and 157Yb, and observation of 
the shape transition point at N=86-88 for the isotoope chains including 
these two nuclei respectively.

Main Research Facilities Available

    Heavy ion accelerator system with 8 experimental equipments; Data
acquisiton system; 600 KeV Cockcroft Walton accelerator, 200 KeV heavy 
ion implantor, 2X2 MeV Tandem accelerator, VAX-8350 computer and PC 
computers; Library.

Future Development Plans

    Construction of a heavy ion cooler storage ring to cool the heavy ion 
beams and to increase beam energy up to 1 GeV(for light heavy ions) and 500
MeV(for heavy ones) for atomic physics and nuclear physics research, and 
for cancer therapy with heavy ions.

Cooperation Arrangements with Developing Coutries

    A acientist from a developing country will be invited as a postdoctoral
candidate or guest scientist to join experimental research work in the 

Other International Cooperation Arrangements

    Six cooperation agreements between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and
foreign institutions. Three long-term collaboration agreements and protocols
between IMP and institutes in Japan, Russia and France.

Name of Diretor/Head:              Yixiao Luo
Number of Research Scientists:     180
Number of Staff:                   470
Scientific Fields of Interest:     Physics/Astronomy

Address:  253   Nanchang Road-Lanzhou 730000 - China
Cable:    6602  Lanzhou P.R.China
Telex:    72153 IMPAS CN
Fax:      (86-931)8881100