Wei-Ren ZHAO's Home Page

Name        :  Wei-Ren ZHAO
Sex         :  Male
Birth Date  :  April 21, 1945
Birth Place :  Kunming, Yun-Nan Province, China
Nationality :  Chinese

Address     :  Rm 4-301, Bd 19, 19 Yu-Quan Rd, Shi-Jing-Shan 
               District, Beijing (100039), P. R. China
Mail Addr   :  P. O. Box 918, Beijing (100039), P. R. China
FAX         :  86-10-8213374
Tel         :  8213344-2941(o)/2379(h)

Institute   :  Institute of High Energy Physics(IHEP)
Position    :  Deputy Director

Title       :  Associate Professor
Speciality  :  High Energy Experimental Physics

Experience  :

1992-     Deputy Director of IHEP
1990-1992 Assistant to the Director of IHEP
1987-1990 Worked in on-line group of BES(Beijing Spectrometer),IHEP
1984-1986 Software development of ADAMO(ALEPH Date Model) for 
          ALEPH of LEP, at CERN(1985 - 1986) and RAL(1984)
1981-1983 Worked in off-line group of Physics Division,IHEP
1978-1981 Studied in Graduate School of Chinese Academy of 
          Sciences, graduated with M.D.
1968-1978 Worked in the factory of Light Industry Bureau of the 
          City of Tian - Jin, China
1962-1968 Studied in Qing - Hua University, graduated with 


1) Z. QIAN et al.,  Use of the ADAMO Data Management System in 
   ALEPH, Computer Physics Communications, 45(1987)283

2) Y. CHEN et al.,  The BES On-line Data Analysis System, High  
   Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics, Vol. 13, No. 8, Aug.1989

3) ALEPH Collaboration, D. DECAMP et al.,
   ALEPH: A Detector for Electron-Positron Annihilations at LEP,
   Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A294(1990) 121-178

4) H. Ding et al.,  Beijing Spectrometer,
   High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics,Vol.16,No.9, Sep.1992