Prof. Tao Huang

Chairman of Academic Committee And Director of Theoretical Physics Division, IHEP, AS, China

Biographical Notes: 1. BS Year: 1963 from Peking University 2. Ph. D Year: Graduate student 1963-1966 from Institute of Atomic Energy, AS, China 3. Field of Research: Theoretical Physics, High Energy Physics 4. Awards and Honors: Academia Sinica Awards(1986, 1991) 5. e-mail address: mailing address: Tao Huang Institute of High Energy Physics Academia Sinica P.O.Box 918, Beijing 100039 P.R.China 6. Other Information: Prof. Huang was involved in the Straton Model work in sixties. He and Prof. He proposed a framework of the composite field theory in seventies. He went to SLAC(Stanford, USA) for a two-year visiting in 1979 and his research had been cited by the international colleagues. He was invited to give a talk at the XX-th Conference on High Energy Physics, 1980. Many graduate students under his guidance have made a great and creative progress on the Non-perturbative QCD theory at the large distances after his back to China. He was invited to give a talk at the Conference on High Energy Physics, 1994, once again.