Bo-Qiang Ma

Faculty and Permanent Staff, Theory Division, IHEP

Mailing Address

Institute of High Energy Physics
Academia Sinica,
P.O.Box 918(4)
Beijing 100039

Email Address

Research interests:

Theoretical nuclear physics and particle physics:
light-cone formalism, relativistic models of nuclei, effect due to compositeness of hadrons in nuclei; the light-cone quark model of hadrons, quark and gluon structure of hadrons in deep inelastic scattering, especially the spin and flavor structure of hadrons, perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of quantum chromodynamics, the application of perturbative QCD to exclusive processes.

Recent work:

  • The quark/antiquark asymmetry of the nucleon sea
  • Parton sum rules and nucleon structure functions
  • SU(3) symmetry breaking in sum rules for baryon magnetic moments
  • The Wigner rotation effect and the spin structure of hadrons
  • The light-cone quark model of hadrons
  • Applications of perturbative QCD to exclusive processes
  • The non-perturbative quark-antiquark fluctuations in hadrons

  • List of Papers