Development Research Center of the State Council

Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC) is a policy research and consulting institution directly under the State Council, the central government of the People's Republic of China.

The main function of DRC is to undertake research and consultancy on macro economic policies and provide decision-making proposals for the State Council. The research and consulting tasks of DRC are aimed at the overall, comprehensive, strategic and long- term issues in the national economic and social development with attention given to the combination of macro and micro activities, strategies and countermeasures, reform and development, and of qualitative and quantitative analyses. DRC's countermeasure research and prospect forecast are conducted on the basis of keeping close track of the latest developments and analyzing the new problems arisen so as to provide timely consulting proposals to the central government and to help decision-making procedures operated on a more democratic and scientific basis.

DRC is one of the noted policy research and consulting institutions domestically and internationally with a team of prominent economists and qualified experts and researchers. Since its establishment in 1981, DRC has done many creative jobs in promoting the reform and openness of the Chinese economy and in establishing the system of the socialist market economy in China. DRC has been involved in many major policy-making processes of the central government such as the formulation of the state five year plans for the national economic and social development and the long term national development programs. DRC has also participated and sponsored in many major national research projects and in the study of the strategies and planning of regional development.

In the past decade, DRC, in its research activities, has established extensive contacts with many foreign government institutions, academic and business circles as well as international organizations and has conducted various forms of bilateral and multilateral international exchanges and cooperation. DRC has undertaken a number of major research projects sponsored by the international organizations and foreign institutions including UNDP, the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, the Ford Foundation and Rockfeller Foundation and a lot of constructive results have been achieved. A series of high-level international conferences sponsored and organized by DRC under the program "China and the World in the Nineties" have also been highly appraised by Chinese government leaders and the experts from home and abroad. These external exchanges and cooperation aim at drawing on useful international experiences to promote China's reform, development and opening to the outside world as well as helping the world to understand China.

DRC in its headquarters has 160 researchers with a considerable number of senior economists. Established within DRC are eight research departments, the General Office as well as a Academic Committee and the Committee for Assessment of Academic Qualifications. DRC also has a number of subordinate institutions including five research institutes, two centers and two associations as well as the Management World Magazine, China Development Press, China Economic Yearbook and a newspaper China Economic Times.

DRC's Subordinate Departments and Institutions

Comprehensive Economic Research Department

Undertake comprehensive analyses and research on current situation and trends in the economic development; the study of the relationships between the development and reform; the study of economic structures, ownership relations, the balance of aggregate demand and aggregate supply as well as the social issues that may arise in the reform and economic development.

Development and Forecasting Research Department

Undertake comprehensive analyses and forecast of mid-term and long term national economic, technological and social development; the study of national and regional economic structures, industrial policies and development planning as well as the study of consumption structures and life quality, etc. Modern scientific methods and mathematical models are applied in these analyses and research.

Macro Regulation Research Department

Undertake research on aggregate balance and design of macro control targets; the study of policy orientation and supporting means of macro control system (including finance, taxation, banking and distribution policies, etc.).

Enterprise Economic Research Department

Undertake research on property rights relations, operating mechanism and development policies of the state-owned enterprises; the study of share-holding system and cooperative system on share- holding basis; policies and legal issues with regard to modern corporate system such as asset management and operation of state- owned enterprises.

Technical Economic Research Department

The research of this department is focussed on major technical economic policies, development strategies for new and high technologies, resource utilization and key industrial clusters as well as environmental protection. The department also undertakes comprehensive assessment of major engineering projects in the perspective of technical economics.

Research Department of Foreign Economic Relations

Undertake research on policies and development strategies for foreign economic relations (including foreign economic cooperation, foreign trade, foreign exchange and other relevant areas); the study of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan economies as well as the situation and developments in the world economy.

Rural Development Research Department

Undertake research on rural economic reform and policies for the development of rural economy and rural productive forces including rural industrial structures, property rights and rural economic organizations; agricultural marketing and rural market system, price, finance, labor force, the township and village enterprises (TVEs), planning and construction of small towns as well as coordinated development of China's urban and rural areas.

International Cooperation Department

Responsible for the management and coordination of DRC's international collaborative research projects; organizing and coordinating DRC's international academic exchanges and international conferences; attending to other foreign affairs of DRC.

General Office

Responsible for organizing and management of DRC's research programs; attending to DRC's internal secretarial work, personnel management, administrative and logistic affairs as well as supervision to DRC's subordinate institutions.

Research Institute of Market Economy

Undertake research on theory and practice of the system of socialist market economy; development of market mechanism and market organizations as well as market order; problems and countermeasures in establishing a unified national market system and in the transition to the market economy; the study of price theory and inflation control.

International Technology and Economy Institute

Undertake research on the information and trends in the international technological and economic development and relevant development strategies.

Institute of World Development

Undertake strategic and comprehensive study of major issues in the world political, economic and social development with regional stress on the United States and the developed countries in the West Europe.

Euro-Asian Social Development Research Institute

Undertake research on the situation and trends in the economic and social development in European and Asian regions particularly in the East Europe and Middle Asia.

Asia-Africa Development Research Institute

Undertake research on the development strategies as well as politics, economy, science and technology, and culture in Japan, Korean Peninsula, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Indo-China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan as well as in West Asia and Africa; the study of comprehensive regional issues.

Economic Information Center

Collecting information and data required in DRC's research work; establishing information processing system; responsible for information exchanges with other domestic and foreign institutions; providing information consulting services; editing and publishing study results within.

Personnel Exchange and Training Center

Establishing data base and providing services for personnel flows; organizing professional training courses.

China International Association for Development

A non-governmental national organization affiliated to DRC and engaged in organizing non-government international cooperation and exchange activities as well as international consulting services aimed at promoting the economic and social development in China's urban and rural areas.

China Enterprise Evaluation Association

An affiliated organization of DRC carrying out evaluation and sequence listing of the large enterprises in China. CEEA is now conducting evaluation of China's 500 largest industrial enterprises, 500 largest enterprises in building industry and 500 largest firms in service industry.

Management World Magazine

A large bimonthly in management theory. The Modern Enterprise Herald, edited and published by the Management World Magazine, is a comprehensive economic semimonthly for enterprise managers.

China Development Press

Its publications include works in regard to the economic, technological and social development as well as the results of policy research and consulting work and relevant foreign academic works. CDP also edits and publishes a comprehensive monthly: China's Tertiary Industry.

China Economic Yearbook

A large annual economic publication recording developments in the operations of the national economy. Included in the Yearbook are the major economic literature of the Chinese government, general situation and overall analyses of the national economic development, situation of regional and enterprise development, as well as the major progress in the study of economic theories.

China Economic Times

A comprehensive economic newspaper of three issues a week, reporting trans-regional and trans-sectorial comprehensive economic information and policy orientations.

See Also the Introduction of White Book of DRC

Leaders of DRC

                   Mr. Xue Muqiao
                   Honorary President

                   Mr. Ma Hong
                   Honorary President 
                   Mr. Sun Shangqing

                   Mr. Liu Zhongyi
                   Senior Vice President

                   Mr. Lu Baifu
                   Vice President

Address: 22 Xi'anmen Street
         Beijing 100017
         People's Republic of China 
    Tel: (01)6018009(General Office)
         (01)3099162(International Coorperation Department)
    Fax: (01)6013530