Welcome To IHEP ASIC Design and Training Center
The IHEP ASIC Design and Training Center provides services to help
the high energy/nuclear physicists on ASIC applications.
We also do research on the possibilities of ASIC applications for
various experiment purposes.
The following is a list of what we can do for you:
- Consultations on the feasibility of using ASIC for your project.
- ASIC design.
- Training on the ASIC applications and design (in Chinese or English).
You are invited to a tour on:
ASIC is not a luxury:
ASIC is not a luxury any more.
Sometimes, it is the only correct choice for a project.
In high energy physics experiments, if your project needs:
- complicated logics or
- simple but strange logics or
- mixture of analog and digital circuits,
then ASIC probably is a good choice for you.
ASIC is affordable:
When you make your chip through MOSIS, they can build as few as 4 chips
for less than $600. It seems high if you consider just one chip.
However, the savings on circuit board area, power supply and
number of crates in your final system will be significant.
You may get more information from:
Prof. Gu Shudi
IHEP AISC Design and Training Center
Institute of High Energy Physics
P.O. Box 918-6
Beijing, 100039
P. R. China
e-mail: gusd@bepc3.ihep.ac.cn